Empower Early Childhood Education and Support Children’s Development: Hape’s Efforts to Create a Better World for Next Generation Continue

On February 24th, the second phase of a seminar hosted by Hape Group and the Ningbo Beilun Education Bureau was successfully held in the Wutong Kindergarten. Continuing the theme, ”how to further promote the implementation of the "Learn through Play" teaching and research project”, the seminar proved to be a productive meeting, making great progress and establishing a leading group, consisting of the members from the Hape Group, the Educational Bureau and the pilot Kindergartens, that aims to coordinate forces at a professional level and push forward the necessary preparation work. Besides this, attendees from the Education Bureau and the pilot Kindergartens shared plenty of insightful ideas concerning teaching and the research project with us.

In May 2022, Hape Group donated a batch of sustainable and educational toys worth over 200,000 RMB to eight kindergartens in Beilun, helping them to establish various thematic learning areas that advance the “teach through lively activities” teaching mode in pre-schools. The thematic learning areas positively improve the teaching facilities in the participating kindergartens, and create engaging and immersive learning environments for children that are well received by parents and children alike.

In 2023, supported by the Beilun Education Bureau, Hape and 8 kindergartens in Beilun will further advance the "Learn through Play" teaching and research projects under the “Two Searching and Three Researching” principle in order to provide stronger support for the student's overall development. It is expected that the fundamental training for teachers in the pilot Kindergartens will be completed within the first half of 2023 by a professional group from Hape. Many activities - such as online and offline training courses, tutorial videos and professor visits from prestigious universities - will be carried out to instruct the teachers on how to use the toys in a way that can promote learning through play. At the same time, the participating teachers are welcome to exchange their ideas and suggestions of the project in an attempt for everyone to gain a greater understanding of their utility.

Children are our hope and our future, and Hape’s efforts will always concentrate on improving children’s development and well-being. We continue to strive to make the world a better place for the next generation, and after the success of the “Learn through Play” philosophy in kindergartens, we now hope that this scientific educational philosophy can steadily benefit more kindergartens and pre-school children around the world.

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Hape Holding AG

Hape, (“hah-pay”), is a leader in designing and manufacturing high quality baby and children’s wooden toys made from sustainable materials. The eco-friendly company formed in 1986 by Founder and CEO Peter Handstein in Germany.

Hape produces the highest standards of quality through stringent control systems and a world class production facility. Hape brands are sold through specialty retail, toy stores, museum gift stores, school supply stores and select catalog and internet accounts in over 100 countries.

Hape has won numerous awards from prestigious independent toy testing groups for toy design, quality and safety. Find us also on Weibo(http://weibo.com/hapetoys) or “like” us at facebook(http://www.facebook.com/hapetoys)

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