Hape Holding AG Invests in Sugarobot, Contributing to STREAM Toys

Sept. 16th, 2021, Ningbo, China

Peter Handstein, the Founder and CEO of Hape Group, has signed a contract with the founding team of Sugarobot, to co-found Ningbo Yiling Education Technology Co., Ltd, in order to jointly develop STREAM toys for the global industry.

Sugarobot produces modular intelligent robots that can be freely assembled. Compared with traditional building-block robots, Sugarbots can be quickly spliced by screwing, and consist of multiple robot modules with no exposed wires. Also, they can be built into a variety of different types of robots without any screws, minimising the time of building, and thus giving the builders room to unleash their creativity. In addition, Sugarobot will soon integrate STREAM (Science, Technology, Robot, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) education concepts, equipped with hardware including motion modules, acousto-optic modules and sensor modules, to allow builders to acquire more technological knowledge about robotic, programming, artificial intelligence and more, via automatic control, APP control and computer programming.

Hape Holding AG, as a leader in designing and manufacturing high-quality educational toys, is committed to producing the highest standard of educational toys for children from 0-6 years old. For the past 35 consecutive years, Hape has steadfastly adhered to its original aspirations; to accompany children through their childhoods, conveying happiness through Hape toys which are sold in over 100 countries and regions around the world at present. Furthermore, with educational toys becoming a new trend in the toy industry in recent years, Hape will continue to place more emphasis on the educational toy industry, incorporating intelligent technological elements and STREAM concepts in order to provide more options and possibilities for educational toys and the early childhood education sector.

With the nation’s standardised education market policy guidance and the advancement of the “Child-friendly City” project proposed in the 14th Five-Year Plan in China, children have been gifted more free time to experience and utilise and wider range of diversely educational toys. Therefore, high-quality educational toys seem to be particularly important right now. Accordingly, Hape - collaborating with Sugarobot - will combine educational toys with intelligent technologies and creative and unique STREAM concepts to help children stretch their minds and learn through play.

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Hape Holding AG

Hape, (“hah-pay”), is a leader in designing and manufacturing high quality baby and children’s wooden toys made from sustainable materials. The eco-friendly company formed in 1986 by Founder and CEO Peter Handstein in Germany.

Hape produces the highest standards of quality through stringent control systems and a world class production facility. Hape brands are sold through specialty retail, toy stores, museum gift stores, school supply stores and select catalog and internet accounts in over 100 countries.

Hape has won numerous awards from prestigious independent toy testing groups for toy design, quality and safety. Find us also on Weibo(http://weibo.com/hapetoys) or “like” us at facebook(http://www.facebook.com/hapetoys)

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